Mo’Lola ft Naomi Classik – Healing

Mo'lola, a talented musical artist, joins forces with the renowned Naomi Classik to deliver a captivating single titled "Healing." Inspired by moments of worship, this soul-stirring song speaks to the universal need for healing in various aspects of life. It serves as a powerful call to embrace the endless wellspring of life found in Jesus Christ.

"Healing" draws upon the timeless words of Isaiah 55:1 (NKJV), reminding listeners that everyone who thirsts can find solace and restoration in the living waters. Through this uplifting song, Mo'lola and Naomi Classik beckon individuals to partake in the abundant grace and mercy freely offered by Jesus, symbolized as the pure river of life flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb, as described in Revelation 22:1 (NKJV).

Mo'lola expresses, "I am honored to collaborate with Naomi Classik on 'Healing.' This song holds a special place in my heart as it calls upon listeners to drink from the never-ending fountain of life, finding healing and renewal in Jesus. My prayer is that this song will touch hearts, bring comfort, and remind people of the boundless love and grace available to them."

"Healing" is now available for streaming platforms.

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