Blessing Offor ft Bob Lanzetti - Make You Feel My Love

  Blessing Offor was born in Nigeria with almost complete blindness in one eye. His parents, in the hopes that they could save some of his vision, made the gut-wrenching decision to allow a 6-year-old Blessing to move to America with an Uncle to be able to get help at Yale Medical Center.

As any parent can imagine, letting a desperately loved child leave you because you know he will be better off elsewhere, is a truly selfless gift. Blessing went through countless surgeries on his eyes in the first few years, but his upbeat nature and his infectious smile were always with him.

Playing in the backyard of his uncle’s house with friends when he was 10 years old, Blessing was hit in a vulnerable part of his one “good” eye and lost his vision completely. He once said he was concerned that his parents would think of him as a failure for losing his vision. Instead of succumbing to darkness, Blessing began to lean increasingly on other skills and discovered his ability to connect with others through music.

His song, Make You Feel My Love is from his 2022 album tagged Brighter Days.

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