Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself - Temitope Opetumo

Often times, we feel disappointed in ourselves; on how low we’ve gone, again, on how many times we’ve gone back on our promises, on staying away from certain things only to find ourselves back at it again.

And then you wonder, “Can I ever stop?”, “Will He still see me as the apple of His eyes?”, “Am I really a Christian?”, “Do I really love God?”, “But I’ve prayed, does His Word work?”.

So many questions running through your mind, self-condemning questions, questions that question your love for Him, that questions His Word, questions your Faith and belief and you feel you’d rather just let it take over anyway and let go of your Faith (since it’s not working).

Here’s a wake up call.

You were never to do life alone, any part of it. He didn’t equip you to live life without Him, even when you think you’re falling His Hand (messing up).

1 Samuel 2:9b (NIV), “It is NOT BY strength that one prevails”. This verse refers to a man’s strength. 

Remember that moment you thought “Oh I’ve got it this time, I can do this. I won’t fail, I have got this”. The problem with this statement is the I’s. So many I’s. No “we”. His word says, “WITH GOD I CAN do all things”. It’s a union of two not one.

And see this, that moment you feel you’ve let Him down, again? You know He still smiled at you, looked at you with unexplainable love in His eyes and says “I don’t even know what you’re sad for. I LOVE YOU STILL. Get yourself together, we can get through this together”. 

Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV),”…I have loved you with an everlasting love…”

Romans 8:34-35 (NIV), “Who then will condemn us? No one… …Can anything EVER separate us from Christ’s love?”.

Get this - NOTHING, NO ONE, not even YOU can separate you from His love. Let this revelation fuel you. 

Not that God doesn’t want to stop, or He tries to stop, or He should stop but even God can’t stop loving you even if He tried. He loves you in spite of you!.
  • A believer can not be condemned. 
  • A righteous person can not be condemned. 
  • You are not condemned.
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV), "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast"
  • You didn’t save yourself.
  • You couldn’t have.
  • You can’t.
  • Grace did.
  • Grace will.
  • Grace can.
  • It is a gift.
God loves you silly.
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