How To Avoid Failures In 2017

Looking back at the beginning of the year, diaries were filled with goals and ambitions. Facebook statuses read phrases like “fresh start”, “new beginnings”. Instagram posts screamed out “new year, new friends”, BBM feeds read; “new year, new resolutions”. Millions were pumped up towards the new year ready to conquer, ready to achieve and do better. Only to lose focus after the new month.
For some, days, weeks and months passed by and the enthusiasm of wanting to do better seemed to fade away slowly. Diaries sank into the bottom pile of books. Instagram and Facebook posts were replaced with the newest and the latest. Resulting to a bunch of beings trying their best to make statements and wanting to be relevant. Unaware of the clock ticking by the second. And now, they’re staring at December in the face, asking themselves how they got here and  wondering what they did all through the year.

2017 is around the corner, similar updates are showing up since the beginning of December, in order not to make the same mistakes you made in 2016, take some minutes out of your busy time to read this through.

Execute Your Plans One After The Other
Despite the failure in 2016, some people still manage to make good use of the days, weeks and months. These people filled the days of the year with creative ideas and tasks which were executed one after the other. They kept their eyes on the prize, totally focused and worked endlessly to make everyday count.
Spend Some Time In The Night Crafting New Methods To Get Better Result
While men slept, others who achieved a measure of greatness in 2016 stayed up wide awake crafting new methods to get better results. And now, its a time to reflect and tick off the goals they had set for themselves, giving themselves a Pat on the back and thanking God for helping them achieve all that they did.
Now the year is about to run out once again and truth be told that these last few days are very sensitive and crucial. They determine how well and how prepared you are to break forth into the new year.

Do Not Let The Excitement Nor Fear Catch Up On You
Thousands are caught up in the excitement, counting down and waiting anxiously to party into the new year. Some are scared, worried even, about the new year. Believing that every new year begat new problems so they live each day in fear and uncertainty. But according to 1 timothy 1:7, God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power and of a sound mind.

Set Your Plans Inline With God's Plan
God loves us so much and He has promised us that he has good plans for us, plans that would give us a Bright future. He has also promised us in Ephesians 3:20 that he is able to do much more than we can ever ask or think. Beyond our expectations and wildest dreams, he has the capacity to help us out anytime and any day. All we have to do is hold on to those promises, trust in him completely and try not do things on our own.
Enter The New Year Praying
If you believe all these things, what are you supposed to do during these last few days of the year 2016? You need to pray into the new year, pray for direction. What does God want you to do in the new year, what’s the next step in your career? Your Life? Your Marriage? Your ministry? And What is God saying to your family for the new year?.

Do Not Let Past Mistakes Stop You
Don’t beat yourself up if you made a whole lot of mistakes, its an opportunity to plan to do better and if you’re able to lean on God for the strength and grace to achieve these plans everything would definitely fall into place as you step into the new year.

Go into the year and prosper, We wish you a successful Year ahead.
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