How to Overcome Low Self Esteem

There are some time in our life when we loose believe in ourself. Many who grew up poor sometimes believe they there achievement in life is to some extent as they do not have a father who can command things to happen with a blink of an eye, some believe they are not brilliant enough, so to go for that interview is always a problem, some other might get to the interview and then return home because they see a lot of bright young men and women wearing expensive suit and shoes while he/she is dress like a farmer son etc. whatever your own case is, let's learn together, how to deal with low self esteem. Are you ready?

Feed your thoughts with Positive things

So each time you think of taking that bold step all you see is the failure, your mind is very powerful, you really need to learn how to fill it with positive things. You can dowload a lot of Motivational Audios to help you build your self confidence. There are a lot of such Audio on this site HERE they will help you build your confidence and have a whole lot of belief in yourself.

Believe that you deserve to be where you are

When you are having a low self-esteem day, remind yourself that you deserve to be where you are today. Are you in a company where you are treated like you do not matter? some will even say it to your face that if not for them or for another superior hand, you do not deserve to work here or be in that position. See ehn, don't allow anybody pull you down to the extent that you loose your self esteem. Do not agree with such fellow, where you are today, God designed it that way, the company needs you that is why you are there, what you do not know today, with time, you will know them, other workers who seem perfect was once naive too, contineous practice made the fellow what he/she is today. You deserve to be where you are dear. You are as deserving of success, happiness, and love as anyone in the world, even if you don’t feel that way in the moment. Accepting this intellectually will help you change your thoughts when your beliefs try to pull you down.

See Mistakes and Failures as a good thing

Sometimes we lack self-esteem because we’ve messed up in some way and therefore view ourselves as “worth less.” We think we’re worth less because we aren’t perfect. But anyone who is successful will tell you they reached success on the stepping stones of failures too. Mistakes and failure reveal a willingness to take risk and try. Stop thinking less of yourself, try again!

Tell yourself You are Beautiful

We live in a culture that worships youth and beauty, but in reality most people aren’t beautiful by the media’s standards. Everyone is physically “flawed” in some way. The most beautiful girl in the world has got a bad side too, you might not know that because she is said to be the most beautiful girl in the world. What if you tell yourself that you are the most beautiful girl in the world and each time you think of yourself, you think about the most beautiful
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