Dealing with Overreaction

Overreaction: a more emotional or forcible response than is justified. to react or respond more strongly than is necessary or appropriate. to react in an extreme. especially an angry or frightened, way. 

We all overreact from time to time, but it's not a great habit to develop. If you find yourself getting disproportionately angry, upset, or defensive at small things, have you been accused of being “hot-headed”? When the emotional intensity and severity of your behaviour doesn’t match the situation at hand, you are overreacting.
There are two kinds of Overreaction:
1. Internal Overreaction: are emotional responses that others may or may not notice.
2. External Overreaction: are actions and behaviours that other people can see, such as shouting at someone angrily. Both forms of overreaction result in damage done to reputations, relationships, reputation and self-esteem.You can avoid overreacting by learning more about the causes and ways of dealing with it.

Some Causes:

Too many thoughts on your mind 
Ego and Pride 
Impatience and Anger 
Not getting the Desired Results 
Mental issues: Bipolar. 
How to Stop Overreacting:

1. Get enough Sleep/Rest 
2. Have a positive mindset 
3. Recognise what makes you angry 
4. Allow people to explain/ be a good listener 
5. Put yourself in people's shoes 
6. Think before you talk 
7. Learn Courtesy 
8. Be aware of your Emotions 
9. Eat well 
10.Be friendly 
11.Resolve Issues immediately 
12. Learn to forgive
 13. Be clear about what you want 

Overreaction gives you a bad relationship with people, affects your character and hinders self-improvements. Remember, not all intense responses are overreactions. In some instances, a quick and extreme response is necessary to protect ourselves or our loved ones.

For help with overreacting and managing anger, click here.
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